Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mexican beetles

So the title of this post may be a bit deceiving. However, I think it gives a you a little idea of what I will be trying to convey. In Mexico, we did quite a bit of walking. Well, as we were on a walk in San Cristobal de Las Casas, I mentioned to Laura, "There seems to be quite a few VW Beetles around town". Well, as the days went on, I began to notice them more and more. They were everywhere. As I usually have the camera handy in my pocket, I thought it would be funny to take a picture of all of the bugs I saw within a particular time frame. At first, this was just a funny idea I kept mentioning to Laura. Then, as we were sitting down to lunch in a plaza after our trip through Sumidero canyon, I counted 9 within sight. Well, I took a walk around the plaza(this is what I was referring to in an earlier post), and found 16.
So here it is. Enjoy, and you're welcome!

After finding so many, I decided that it was even better if I could catch multiple bugs in one photo! Here are 2.

Another 2-fer-1! Yes.
Even 2 at once was no longer becoming a challenge.
This one I like because of the guy with the ice cream cart.
This one is just pretty awesome.

Here's one with the bonehead running around town with a camera taking pictures of old rusty cars.
One of my favorites! Such class.
Hadn't had a yellow one yet.

There were a couple of the new version, maybe 1 in 50 I saw.

Action shot! I had to time this one just right as the maroon colored car was driving by.

This blue one is pretty excellent, in my opinion.
Trifecta!!!! Can I really top three in one?

YESSSS!!!!!!! I din't think four was possible, but I have 5 in this next one!!!!!!
The green roof at the bottom of the picture, a white one two cars ahead, a dark green one in front of the red car on the right. And just to prove it, I zoomed in on the picture.

As you can see, there is the dark green one on the right, and a yellow one way in the back, which is in front right in front of another!!!!

I didn't expect to top 5 in 1, so that was it. I hope you enjoyed this even 1/10th the amount that I did chasing around and snapping these photos.

I know. I have a ton of free time. And this is how I choose to use it.


  1. Tim, this a riot. You really do have too much time on your hands. Remember this day for future reference! Mom Stuntebeck

  2. I like that they all have the trunk in the front--just the way God intended it.
